Privacy Policy

Confidentiality of your privacy is important to us. Your personal data may be collected, and processed abiding to the applicable laws and the privacy policy stated below. When you access the websites of Universal Innovation Business Center (UIC) (URL: or interact with UIC in any other way, you consent to our privacy policy set out herein.
Collection and Purpose
This Privacy Policy is only applicable to the collection of your personal info on the UIC websites, but not relevant to the third party sites. Upon accessing various functions on our sites, your personal identifiable information may be requested depending on the circumstance. Any use or process of personal info collected will only be used within designated purposes. This personal data shall not be used in any other way without your written consent.
With interactive functions like email or survey, our site may archive info you provided, such as your name, email address, contact information and associated time frame, to facilitate our correspondence.
Data Sharing
Our site shall not sell or share your personal information to any other organizations, corporations or individuals, with the exceptions of jurisdictional investigation or relevant regulatory authorities.
IP Address
IP Information from all visitors to the UIC websites may be collected and retained for analytical purposes. This information will be used for diagnostics for our server and website management, or even fraud prevention. All personal identifiable information will not be collected in this cluster.
Regarding Cookies
To help us identify repeat visitors, we may use and access Cookies on your computer. With your web browser setting, you may enable or disable the Cookies. Please be aware that if you choose to reject our Cookies, features of our sites may be affected.
Protection for Underage-Minors
UIC will not knowingly collect personally identifiable information for minors under the age of 13. Please only access the website with parental/guardian supervision, since the website is not intended for underage minors or children.
Privacy Policy
As this privacy policy may be revised from time to time, please be sure to check the latest update of the privacy policy each time you visit our site to understand how we collect, use and retain personal information. If you have any questions or concerns with our privacy policy, please contact us anytime.